5 Smart Ways to Use Holiday Gridlock to Fuel Your Career

Interview, Job Search, Networking, Resume and LinkedIn

It’s Thanksgiving! Or Christmas! Or some time in between! You’re in the airport, train station or on the highway… and you’re caught in a looooong queue of people or line of traffic. The road ahead seems endless, so does your patience, and it seems like everything’s moving at a snail’s pace.

But wait! This is helpful.

(Say what?)

Yes! You can use the inevitable and uncontrollable “downtime” during your holiday travel to tune up (and rev up) your career for next year. Here’s how:


1. Appreciate

Make a list of the top five to 10 people in your life who made a significant, positive impact on your career this year: a boss, colleague, former colleague, recruiter or coach who gave you a great piece of advice, mentored you, helped you on a big project, introduced you to a valuable industry connection, etc. Then thank them!

Send them a brief but gracious email, mail them a thoughtful handwritten note or take them out for coffee. Your attitude of gratitude goes a long way, now and into the future.


2. Renovate

Take a personal inventory of your career artillery and list which pieces need upgrading. These could include a new power suit for meetings or upcoming job interviews; a faster, more productive laptop; a new briefcase or suitcase; industry trade publication subscriptions; association memberships; etc.

Then, go  get ‘em!


3. Accelerate

Think of who would make a great mentor to help accelerate your career growth (if you don’t already have one, or if you’d like an additional one). Possible candidates could include a current or former manager, colleague, industry leader, someone in your desired “three years from now” role at another company, etc.

Hint: If you don’t yet know this individual personally, use LinkedIn to find and connect with them.


4. Strategize

Think about where you’re at in your job/career right now. Are you happy? Or not? Time to move on?

Now’s the best time to plan what action steps are needed to get you where you want to be in 2014. (Tweet this thought.) Do your resume, cover letter or LinkedIn profile need a tune up or major overhaul? Spend a few minutes reviewing them and making notes. Want professional help and guidance getting you to your career goals sooner rather than later? Research career coaches online, in your LinkedIn network or get recommendations from people you trust.


5. Investigate

Thinking of transitioning to a brand new career or industry in the new year, but not quite sure? Brainstorm your burning questions, as well as the crucial information and resources you know you need to help you make that decision, be it websites, books, networking events, etc.

And if informational interviews are one of them (hint: they should be!), you can use LinkedIn to find potential interviewers, as well as a broad range of industry knowledge and perspectives.

See? Now all that annoying wait time can be put to great use and can help get you focused, ahead of the curve and ready to start off your career in the new year with a bang!

Now, go forth and rock that gridlock! Happy holidays and safe travels!

Vicki AubinVicki Aubin, “The Rockin’ Career Coach,” helps rising professionals kick-start the career of their dreams. With over a decade in HR and recruiting, she offers smart, savvy strategies for a kick-ass career they never taught you in (or out of!) college. She blogs, tweets, pins, faces and links regularly and is the author of 22 Secrets to a Kick-Ass Interview.


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Image: Keep Calm Studio

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